Freedom Groundbreakers
The Freedom Groundbreakers project's vision is to see the people of Africa transformed by Jesus Christ. The mission follows the following strategies to accomplish this vision; Identify unreached people or groups, Mobilize national free church groups in Africa, ministering holistically, recruiting, equipping and training other focus groups on church planting,
This mission focus of Africa is to mobilize prayer, church planting and provide strategies to develop, plant and to build. Such actions will cause effective results that will reach the lost in many nations

Outreach Initiative
Identifying Unreached People
Mobilize National Free Church Groups in Africa
Identifying the unreached people will be carried out through evangelical means, such as, personal group meetings, one on one face to face meetings, while surveying the land for the needs of the lost.
Luke 14:23 "And the Lords said unto the servants go out to the highways in the hedges compelling them to come in that my house may be filled."
We will mobilize national free church groups in Africa, by promoting group prayers, establishing connections, promoting a oneness by each group or individual connection through prayer.
Teaching Christ will motivate them by grace and not guilt. This structure will equip them to interact cross-culturally. With their gifts from God, they will learn how to use them to reach those places that are hard to reach.
Freedom Groundbreakers is founded upon the Word of God. Ministering Holistically will not only be in words, but also in deeds. This will be done through preaching, motivating through seminars and workshops.
Ministering the whole Gospel will bring forth a true wholeness, forgiveness of sins, sanctification, healing, reconciliation and most of all peace through Jesus Christ.
The mission is to recruit those who are in leadership to partner with us in the church planting process. We want each partner to yield their gifts to promote the vision.
Freedom Groundbreakers will use the individual approach to recruiting. Through individual approach, we will create a place where those who partner with us can minister with joy and productivity as they participate in the mission. This will lead to yielding a more significantly effective result for missional success
Freedom Groundbreakers will equip those who are apart of the mission through training and developing strategies that will promote growth internal and external.
Ephesians 4 will be in practice when it comes to equipping those who will participate in the mission. Although those who directly participate in the mission will be equipped, Freedom Groundbreakers would like to equip their families as well. Each party must walk in unity in order to break ground.
Training and development seminars will be ongoing to promote strong leadership, health and wellness.
Leaders will be trained in
Conviction according to 2 Timothy 1:13
Character and integrity according to 1 Timothy 3:1, Titus 1:5
Effective Communication (How to teach others)